Update Released

Update Released

Download Procreate App for Windows PC


We are excited to announce the upcoming release of Procreate, which brings a host of new features and improvements to further enhance your digital art experience. With this update, we have focused on addressing user feedback and introducing tools that will make your creative process more seamless and efficient. Here are the key changes you can expect:

  1. Enhanced Brush Library: We have expanded our brush library with over 50 new brushes, carefully crafted to cater to a wide range of artistic styles. From realistic textures to unique effects, these new brushes will enable you to bring your imagination to life.
  2. Streamlined Interface: We have listened to your feedback and made significant improvements to the interface. The updated design ensures that the tools you need are easily accessible, allowing you to focus on your artwork without any distractions.
  3. Improved Layering System: Managing layers has never been easier. With the new layer grouping feature, you can now organize your artwork more efficiently, making it simpler to navigate complex projects. Additionally, we have introduced layer blend modes to give you more creative control over your compositions.
  4. Time-Lapse Recording: Showcasing your creative process is now simpler than ever. The built-in time-lapse recording feature allows you to capture and share your artwork's development, providing a fascinating insight into your artistic journey.
  5. Enhanced Performance: We have optimized Procreate to ensure a smoother and more responsive experience, even with larger canvas sizes and complex projects. You can now work with confidence, knowing that your app will keep up with your creative vision.