Patch Notes

Patch Notes

Download Procreate App for Windows PC


Prepare to be amazed by the release of Procreate, an update that unleashes unprecedented artistic possibilities and sets new standards for digital art creation. With a range of innovative features and improvements, this release is a game-changer for artists. Here's what you can look forward to:

  1. Procreate Studio: Discover a whole new way to work with Procreate Studio, a powerful feature that transforms your iPad into a complete art studio. With support for external monitors, customizable workspaces, and advanced tools, Studio offers a professional-grade experience on-the-go.
  2. AI-Powered Brushes: Experience the future of digital art with our new AI-powered brushes. These intelligent brushes adapt to your stroke style, adding dynamic textures and effects to your artwork with unparalleled realism.
  3. Real-Time Collaboration: Collaborate seamlessly with other artists using Procreate's real-time collaboration feature. Connect with fellow creators, share ideas, and work together on projects, all within the Procreate app.
  4. Neural Filters: Take your creative vision to new heights with our neural filters. Powered by cutting-edge AI technology, these filters allow you to transform your artwork with stunning effects, turning ordinary compositions into extraordinary masterpieces.
  5. Enhanced Performance and Stability: We have fine-tuned Procreate to ensure optimal performance and stability. With improved brush engine efficiency and enhanced multitasking capabilities, you can work with larger canvases and complex projects without any compromise.

Get ready to elevate your digital artistry with Procreate's latest version. Unleash your creativity, push boundaries, and embark on a journey of endless artistic possibilities.